Ethereal Presentation

Paris, July 2017


As a jewelry designer, you must find a way to accentuate the natural elegance of what are arguably the most beautiful materials found on earth. The work should have an eternal quality, but one must also aspire to imbue the pieces with another essence that, for me, is much more consequential: I want my work to be ethereal.

It is ironic perhaps, that stone and metal pried from the earth could be ethereal but jewelry has long been associated with the stars. I think that fine jewelry should always aspire to rival the awe we experience when we turn our eyes upward. I don’t simply want these pieces to adorn, or to stand alone as beautiful objects. I want them to be as perfect as possible. I want my designs to evoke their connection to space—its vastness, its majesty and its superlative form.

The very process and purpose of designing jewelry—of refining and reinventing one’s signature—is for me, to eventually locate this fine and illusory quality. This is how I would like everyone to feel when he or she sees this collection. My goal is to spin these precious materials into something that is much more than an extravagant accessory. Jewelry is my medium and to make it, by nature, is to be mindful of its techniques and the value of such fine materials. The feeling I want to impart is one of radiance, in every sense: That of light, of emotion, of energy and, of course, that of beauty.


Ana Khouri